Happy new year and welcome back to the second half of the season. Just a short update this month on our club.
Turkey spiel (Dec 7th) - It was another successful event both on the revenue and profit.
Junior Bantam (Dec 14th) - First one we have hosted in a long time. Uxbridge teams taking first and second place. It's great to see the interest and talent of the next generation of curlers.
The T bone (Jan 4th) was sold out, but don't have the final results yet.
Upcoming events:
The 6 ender bender (Jan 11th) is sold out
Little Rocks funspiel (Jan 18th).
Uxspiel (Feb 1st). Sold Out. We need a drawmaster for this event so please contact Conrad Wong if you can help out.
Chicks N Stones (March 1st) Sold Out
There was work done on the Ladies change room and the upstairs bathroom over the xmas break (as well as organizing the items stored in Helen's office). A special thanks to Sandy and Herb Kelloway, Kelly and Michael Point, Marie Gowans, Cinzia Frantellizzi and Darryl Stevenson for the time and effort on this venture. The new colours and fresh paint has brightened up the rooms.
New smoke detectors were purchased and installed and as mentioned prior the new fire extinguisher has been installed in the kitchen.
Ice and ice Tech
For those that missed the announcement note. Our Ice technician Don McGregor will be retiring at the end of this season. Congratulations Donnie, are you sure I can't entice you with a Guiness to stay another couple years?
We will still be enjoying the HST tax break at the bar until Feb 15th.
Congrats to those teams that made the playoffs from the first session and congratulations to those that have the opportunity to play further in the playoff games scheduled in March.
Our new developmental Sunday afternoon league for curlers with less than 3 yrs experience, is starting in Feb 2025 and is already half full.
Membership Survey
We still plan to send out a survey, however the wording of some of the questions are still being finalized.
For those that made a new years resolution to be more altruistic with their time, there continues to be many opportunities to support the club.
Items such as mentioned above with the need for a drawmaster for the Uxspiel, or helping out with the U3 league, or helping our new Ice tech, when we get one. There are so many ways for you to be involved and every little bit helps. We are very fortunate that we have so many volunteers already giving their time to help our club be as successful as it is. However the more we share the workload around the better, and don't worry if you don't have a lot of experience helping out, we will all be here to support you and appreciate your contributions and efforts that you make.
Ray Brauch
Uxbridge and District Curling Club President.