Feb Newsletter
Curlers, its hard to beleive that we are already in February. Many of you have been asking for updates on a few different items, I trust this will help answer those questions.
Update on roof.
The Board of Directors are currently undertaking sourcing bids for the roof replacement of the club with the intent of submitting a request to the Ontario Trillium Foundation for a Capital Grant to assist with financing the project. One bid has been obtained and additional bids are forthcoming. More information will be provided as the process progresses.
The membership survey is coming out.
The intent of this survey is to get an anonymous yet meaningful perspective of the membership on the key items with regards to our club. This will be used as a benchmark or satisfaction index of our members with regards to our club and what we offer. This information could help determine where the AC focuses their efforts and almost as important, where we do not need to look at, or help us understand the impact of any changes we make. If you require help in accessing the online survey, please reach out and we can help you.
Between the Bod and AC, we have agreed on the wording of the questions, so look for your invite to participate in the survey soon.
Year end Closing Party and Silent Auction
As a reminder, we will be having a year end closing party on Saturday April 12th. Along with the year end events, we will be having a silent auction running during the playoffs week. Linda Jefferson has kindly agreed to once again spearhead this, but for this to be successful we need items for our members to bid on. Our membership has been very gracious in the past with donating many items that has generated funds for our club, so if you have items you wish to donate to this worthy cause they will be welcomed to do so, and please take advantage of having these items available to you by placing your bid higher than the previous bidder's value.
Youth Curling.
Congratulations to Team Fisher on their 2nd place finish in the U18 Provincials and their respectable showing in the recent U20 Provincials. You are an inspiration to a new generation of curlers and continue to represent our Club extremely well.
We continue to see great success with all our Bonspiels we have hosted this year, these events continue to drive revenues and proceeds for the club, although at this point we don't have the totals from the bar for the Adult attended spiels. We also continue to get great feedback on the great fun everyone is enjoying at these events.
T Bone (Jan 4th) was sold out, although proceeds sightly down year over year.
6 ender Bender (Jan 11th) Sold out, with increases to proceeds yr/yr.
Little Rocks Funspiel (Jan 18th) was a ton of fun for participants and was sold out. Everyone expressed a wish to come back again next year.
Uxspiel (Feb 1) had two full draws.
Upcoming Mens Masters (Feb 25th)
Volunteer of the year award.
It has been a tradition for many years to nominate a member of our club for the Al Hachey, volunteer of the year award. We have the privilege of having so many members that offer their time to aid in the success of our club, this is your opportunity to have one of them recognized. The award winner not only gets the notoriety of this recognition but also a designated parking space near the door to our club, and an LCBO gift certificate in hopes you buy a bottle of wine, preferably red, since that was Al's choice.
From the feedback we received prior we did pull back on the volume of buy a square boards to raise funds in the first half of the year. Our Fund Raising committee is working to obtain funds from alternate sources other than just our membership. However as you may have seen recently, we are activily working on items available to our membership to raise funds. Items include: Win your next year's membership, Win Leaf tickets, Cupcake decorating, Buy a rock handle, U3 league, Curling 201 clinic, yoga classes, and more. (some details included below)
You may have noticed some newly installed rock handles on the ice this week. Thanks to those members who stepped up to support our program. Sponsoring a curling stone is a wonderful and unique way to support the club while creating a special legacy. Rock sponsorship allows you to commemorate an individual, group or special milestone, ensuring your contribution remains part of the curling experience for years to come. A reminder that the funds generated from this program will go toward the Roof Replacement.
5-year sponsorship period ($50/year)
Sponsorship period: September 2025 - August 2030
Application deadline: April 30, 2025
Handle installation by September 2025
Sponsorships are available to businesses at different rate
A sponsorship package will be available soon.
52 Rock Handles are currently available for sponsorship.
For additional program details visit the club website - UCC Rock Handle SPONSORSHIP TERMS
Fill out the UCC Rock Handle Sponsorship Application Form:
On your application form, please offer a 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd choice – rock selection will be offered on a
first come basis and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
Submit your Rock Handle Application Form along with payment in full (e-transfer or credit card)
prior to the submission deadline, April 30, 2025.
E-transfer to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If you would like more information on the Rock Handle Sponsorship, please contact the Board of
Directors or the program administrator: Julia Bailey – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our new U3 league (under 3 yrs experience) has started this month. Good curling to those folks in that league and thank you Patrick Brown for managing this, and his voluneteers helping out the new curlers when required.
Curling 201 Clinic (Feb 23rd)
This fundraising event is designed to help curlers elevate their game and skills. Keep you eye open for the official announcement and sign up as spaces will be limited.
Ice Technician
Efforts are underway to organize a gathering for Don McGregor's retirement. The proposed date is March 29th at the club, more details to come on this later.
We have been in active communications with a few individuals to try and secure a new ice technician for the 2025/26 season. As you may be aware there is not a large pool of resources to draw from in this field, but this effort is very high on our priority. A variety of alternatives are being looked at to assure we sucessfully open and have skills in place to create the playing surface we need during the season.