The following leagues are available at the Uxbridge & District Curling Club:
Monday/Wednesday - Daytime Mixed Fun League (am and pm)
8 end pickup games with the focus on having fun. Games start at 10:00am & 1:00pm Mondays & Wednesdays. You will be assigned to a team when you arrive each week.
Team Entry League - Monday/Tuesday
Sponsored by CRM Innovations.
For the 2024-25 season this league will operate using the following criteria:
- 3 draws per week. Monday 7:00pm, Monday 9:10pm, Tuesday 9:10pm.
- Teams are entered as a whole with members deciding who they wish to play with. A minimum of two years league curling experience is required to join this league.
- Three tiers of competition (A,B and C) with A tier being the highest
- Movement between tiers occurs at the end of each 7 game draw with teams either moving up towards A tier or down towards C tier.
Note: Teams wishing to be placed on the waiting list for Team Entry should send an email to the League Convenor at [email protected]
Note: Priority on the waiting list for Team Entry will be based on the date the team sent the request to the League Convenor, with the understanding that teams that are comprised of two or more current Uxbridge Curling Club members will be given priority over requests from non-members, regardless of the date received.
Wednesday - Daytime Mixed Fun League
8 end pickup games with the focus on having fun.
You will be assigned to a team when you arrive each week.
Thursday - Daytime Mixed League (am and pm)
Mixed League, 8 end games. Schedule switches between 10 am and 12:30 pm games. You will be placed on a team for the schedule. Three schedules per season. Players can request to play with their spouse or partner.
Thursday - Evening Men's League
Thursday nights, 8 end games, switching between 7 and 9 pm draws.
You will be placed on a team via skip drafts from a pool of players.
2 schedules per season.
Friday Evening - Mixed Draw 2
Sponsored by Doug White - White Renovations
This is our social league for adults only. Curlers must be 19 years of age or older.
You will be placed on a team. 2 schedules per season. Players can request to play with their spouse or partner.
Snacks are provided by team members on a rotating basis.
Little Rocks / Bantam
2022-2023 Youth Learn to Curl programs are for children aged 7 and up.
* Please note helmet use is mandatory for children 12 & under as required by Rowan’s Law.
Weekly lessons teach the fundamentals of the game.
Little Rocks/U12 (7-12 years)
Sundays 1pm -2pm
Beginning October 16th
Bantams/U15/U18 (13-18)
2pm - 3:30pm
Beginning October 16th
Patrick Brown, [email protected], 416-319-4046
Ciara Sinclair [email protected]
Tuesday - Ladies League - 2nd Schedule
League Sponsored by: Herralea Farms
2024-2025 - 2nd Schedule
Tuesday Night League - 6 end games
Draw Times: 6:00pm, 6:30pm & 7:30pm
You will be placed on a team via skip drafts from a pool of players.